Interested in finding out how you can help us?
The Sunshine Centre is a charity so help such as volunteering and donating is really appreciated. Find out more below.
Refurbishment Fundraiser
The Sunshine Centre is a non-profit organisation and relies greatly on its sponsors and supporters.
Our top priorities are the safety of the children in our Early Years rooms & our centre users and the quality of education, services & facilities that we are able to provide.
We are currently fundraising for some long overdue refurbishments to help keep the centre a safe, welcoming and purpose-built space for its users.
Amazon Gift List
Fundraise For Us
Either on your own, as a family or with friends, there are lots of different fun fundraising methods and challenges that you can do to raise funds for the Centre.
Let us know your plan and we can share it with our community on social media.
We welcome volunteers across our work such as stocking the Community Larder; Fundraising; Helping in groups; Becoming a Trustee.
We also offer student placements, which you can read more about by clicking here.
Our family services are dependent on voluntary funding. If you would like to donate to our work please click the button below to visit our JustGiving page.
Becoming a Friend of The Sunshine Centre
Regular donations are particularly useful to us by helping the team to plan services and activities accordingly. If you would like to set up a direct debit our bank details are:
Name of Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00017253
Name of account: The Sunshine Centre