Welcome to The Sunshine Centre Childcare
At The Sunshine Centre childcare, we devote our energies to offering a fun and nurturing environment whilst delivering the best in childcare and education. Our friendly and highly trained staff are focused on providing fun, care and learning. They work to ensure your child develops as an individual, whilst helping to nurture and encourage learning through discovery and enjoyment.
The Sunshine Centre Childcare is open all year round, 8am to 6pm except for bank holidays, INSET days, the days in-between Christmas and New Year and a maximum of five in service training days. We will give you one month’s notice for our training days.
Friday 24th May
Monday 15th July
Monday 2nd September
Friday 25th October
Monday 6th January
Friday 4th April
Friday 20th June
Please do not hesitate to call in at The Sunshine Centre or telephone us on 01295 276769 for more information.

Childcare Pathways
Two Year Old Funding: The government will fund children to attend childcare for 15 hours per week (term time only) if the caregivers meet a certain criteria. We can check eligibility for you. You may also receive a letter from Oxfordshire County Council advising you of your eligibility. If your child is eligible this funding will start the term after your child’s second birthday.
Nursery Education Funding: All children are entitled to 15 hours nursery funding after their 3rd birthday.
30 Hour Funding: For working families in England, with 3 and 4-year-old children. 30 hours of free childcare or early education for 38 weeks. A total of 1,140 hours per year. Apply for a code on line – https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare
Childcare Choices: Open an online account, the government will add £2 for every £8.00 you pay in up to a maximum of £2000. Childcare fees are paid from this account. Apply to https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Feepaying: We offer a choice of sessions and contracts, please speak to us.
We work with you to enable you to use your hours, giving you the flexibility to meet your childcare needs as far as possible. For example, spreading your weekly hourly over the year to enable your child to receive continuous care throughout.
Our Commitment To You
Our Commitment to you
- We are committed to providing a healthy, secure, caring, warm, vibrant and happy, child centred environment for all children entrusted to our care.
- We are committed to provide the highest standard of professionalism.
- We are committed to recognising the needs and individual expression of all our children and to plan and provide activities accordingly.
- We encourage children to initiate their own activities and make their own choices thus developing their independency.
- We will introduce children to different festivals, cultural religions, social heritage and special occasions which reflect and value our cultural diverse society.
- We are committed to work in partnership with Mums, Dads and Caregivers.
- We are committed to be inclusive in all of our practice.
- Using the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) children benefit from a rich and varied environment, with high quality care supporting their learning and development through meaningful play.
- Through play children learn new skills, develop new interests, encounter new experiences and build on previous knowledge.