Banbury’s Sunshine Centre serving community with food parcel and children’s activity pack distribution
*This article was originally posted in Banbury Guardian, the article can be viewed here.
Banbury families on lockdown are benefiting from the Sunshine Centre’s quick response to the now very different needs of the town’s children during the coronavirus pandemic.
The doors may be locked, but during the month of April staff from The Sunshine Centre have distributed 127 activity packs to children and their families, 237 food parcels which have supported 134 adults and 231 children, clothing, nappies and flowers.
Jill Edge, manager of The Sunshine Centre said: “All of which have only been possible because of the support we have received from partners both in terms of goods and money.
“Our amazing volunteers have supported the collection and delivery of these items.
“The community is an important partner in all this work, as they are looking out for neighbours and friends and signposting them to where help is available.
“Children in our childcare made gingerbread people and decorated them for their parents working on the frontline.
“We continue to be in regular contacts with individuals who are temporarily unable to access our services.
“Food parcels continue to be offered weekly. We are getting ready the second activity packs, these will focus on physical play and also contain an opportunity to get involved in an art project.
“We are continuing to look at different ways to reduce pressures on families during this challenging time by working with partners, funders and the community.”